Tate Liang


AboutAbout ⏷
Architecture Student from Vancouver / NYC
The Cooper Union -> B.ARCH 2025
OMA -> Intern 2024
Diller Scofidio + Renfro -> Intern 2023
ContactContact ⏷
Email ->tate.liang@cooper.edu
Instagram ->@tateliang
Github ->TateLiang
Portfolio & CV available on request

Convergent Housing

Integrated Housing Studio / Spring 2023
Baltimore, Maryland
Professors Mersiha Veledar, Daisy Ames, Nader Tehrani

Convergent living proposes a new typology that redefines unit boundaries and linkages between tight communities, within a larger connected complex. The perimeter condition punctured by openings invites public program and events to the block interior. Traditional double-loaded circulatory spines are reimagined into activity spaces by enlarging public areas and creating vertical cuts that allow access to natural light and views.

A new concept where units are linked by balconies capture multigenerational and modern living arrangements, allowing connection while retaining individuality. A continuous public promenade spirals sectionally through each complex, leading residents to a central public volume.

An urban analysis reveals Baltimore’s challenging history of redlining, and the unequal distribution of urban parks in predominately well-off neighbourhoods, while being confined to small grid interventions elsewhere. Below shows an analysis of Casa de la Marina by Coderch as a precedent to this project.

To maintain privacy facing the street and intimacy facing the internal courtyard, this project includes two facade strategies that use a rollable mesh with a minimal profile one one side and a shifting balcony system on the other. CLT construction and building details are carefully considered to optimize for R-value.